| National Philanthropic Trust

National Philanthropic Trust "Charitable Giving Statistics"
An article from National Philanthropic Trust
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NPT curates statistics from recent studies and reports on charitable giving in the U.S. Please refer to the footnotes for original sources.
2023 Giving Stats
General Philanthropy
- Americans gave $557.16 billion in 2023. This reflects a 2.1% decline from 2022.¹
- Corporate giving in 2023 increased to $36.55 billion—a 3.0% increase from 2022.¹
- Foundation giving in 2023 increased to $103.53 billion—a 1.7% increase from 2022.¹
- Giving by bequest in 2023 was $42.68 billion—a 8.0% increase from 2022.¹
- In 2023, the largest source of charitable giving came from individuals, who gave $374.40 billion, representing 67% of total giving.¹
- In 2023, the majority of charitable dollars went to religion (24%), human services (14%), education (14%), grantmaking foundations (13%) and public-society benefit (10%).¹
- Giving in 2023 increased in many sectors, with double-digit growth in gifts for foundations (15.4%), public-society benefit (11.6%) and education (11.1%). Giving declined precipitously to individuals (-17.2%).¹
Individual and Family Philanthropy
- For middle income earners, the average yearly charitable donation is approximately $3,296.2
- The average charitable donor in the U.S. is 64 years old and makes two charitable donations a year.3
- The average high net worth households donated $34,917 to nonprofits in 2022.4
- 85 percent of affluent households maintained or increased their giving in 2022, with the top motivation for giving reported as personal values and beliefs (69.5%).4
- Younger people want to forge their own philanthropic identity separate from their parents, said 88% of young women and 69% of young men surveyed.5
- The majority of donors (64%) prefer to give online with either a credit or debit card.6
Charitable Organizations
- According to the most recent data available, there are more than 1.8 million recognized 501(c) organizations in the United States.7
- In 2023, 501(c)(3) organizations made up the majority of 501(c) organizations in the U.S., with 1.5 million.7
- As of 2017, there were more than 12 million people employed in the U.S. nonprofit sector.8
- There are approximately 340K religious, 255K educational, 154K human services, 129K arts & culture and 64.5K public-society benefit nonprofit organizations in the U.S. in 2024. The least common nonprofit category, with only 9 reported, is mutual assistance research institutes.9
- An estimated 23.2% of U.S. adults—60.7 million Americans—volunteered between September 2020 and 2021, contributing an estimated 4.1 billion hours valued at approximately $122.9 billion.10
- Generation X had the highest rate of formal volunteering (27%) compared to Gen Z, Millennials, and Baby Boomers.10
- Baby Boomers had the highest rate of informal volunteering (59%).10
- Most people volunteer through a nonprofit organization (61%), but others volunteer through helping someone directly (29%), a religious organization (24%), civic organizations (22%), the workplace (10%), or a school where they’re enrolled (9%).11
Donor-Advised Funds
- There were 1,948,545 donor-advised fund accounts in 2022.12
- Donor-advised funds held $228.89 billion in assets in 2022.12
- Total contributions into donor-advised funds were $85.53 billion in 2022.12
- Donor-recommended grants from donor-advised funds totaled more than $52.16 billion to charities in 2022.12
- The average donor-advised fund account size was $117,466 in 2022.12
- The average payout rate for DAFs was 22.5% in 2022.12
- Compare the DAF payout rate to the mean payout rate of foundations in 2023: 7.5%.13
1Giving USA 2023 Annual Report
2Internal Revenue Service, Tax Policy Center
3Nonprofit Fundraising Statistics to Boost Results in 2024 (doublethedonation.com)
4Charitable Giving by Affluent Households Above Pre-Pandemic Levels
6US Charitable Giving Statistics [2023] (reninc.com)
7Internal Revenue Service, 2023
8U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (data modified in 2020)
9Categories of nonprofits | Cause IQ
10AmeriCorps – Volunteering and Civic Life in America Research Summary (covering 2020-2021)
11VolunteerMatch – How People Volunteered in 2022
12National Philanthropic Trust – Donor Advised Fund Report 2023
13Foundation giving remained steady in 2023. What’s the outlook? (candid.org)
2020 Giving Stats
General Philanthropy
- Americans gave $471.44 billion in 2020. This reflects a 5.1% increase from 2019.1
- Corporate giving in 2020 decreased to $16.88 billion—a 6.1% decrease from 2019.1
- Foundation giving in 2020 increased to $88.55 billion—a 19% increase from 2019.1
- In 2020, the largest source of charitable giving came from individuals at $324.10 billion, or 69% of total giving. In five of the last six years, charitable giving by individuals has grown.
- Other sources of charitable giving were giving by foundations ($88.55 billion/19% of the total share of American giving), bequests ($41.91 billion/9%), and corporations ($16.88 billion/4%).1
- In 2020, the majority of charitable dollars went to religion (28%), education (15%), human services (14%), grantmaking foundations (12%) and public-society benefit (10%).1
- Giving in 2020 increased in nearly every sector, with double-digit growth in gifts for public-society benefit (15.7%), environment/animals (11.6%) and individuals (12.8%).1
- Charitable giving accounted for 2.3% of gross domestic product in 2020.1
- Corporations are more likely to give when the stock market is up because stock market values are an indicator of financial and economic security.1
Individual and Family Philanthropy
- 86 percent of affluent households maintained or increased their giving despite uncertainty about further spread of COVID-193
- Adults are more likely to give to charity if their parents gave to charity.4
Charitable Organizations
- According to the most recent data available, there are more than 1.54 million charitable organizations in the United States.5
- Sources of revenue for tax-exempt organizations in 2012 were program service revenues, including government contracts and fees (73%), contributions, gifts, & government grants (21%) and lastly, dues, special event income, rental income and net sales from goods (6%).5
- An estimated 25.1 percent of US adults volunteered in 2017, contributing an estimated 8.8 billion hours, valued at approximately $195.0 billion.5
- Approximately 77 million Americans—30% of the adult population—volunteer their time, talents, and energy to making a difference.6
- The top four national volunteer activities are fundraising or selling items to raise money (36.0%); food collection or distribution (34.2%); collecting, making or distributing clothing, crafts or other goods (26.5%); and mentoring youth (26.2%).6
- The top four types of organizations by volunteering are: religious (32.0%); sport, hobby, cultural or arts (25.7%); educational or youth service (19.2%); and civic, political, professional or international (6.2%).6
Donor-Advised Funds
- There were 1,005,099 donor-advised fund accounts in 2020.8
- Donor-advised funds held $159.83 billion in assets in 2020.8
- Annual contributions into donor-advised funds were $47.85 billion in 2020.8
- Donors recommended grants from donor-advised funds totaled more than $34.67 billion to charities in 2020.8
- Average donor-advised fund account size was $159,019 in 2020.8 Sources
1 Giving USA 2021 Annual Report
2 Candid 2020 Annual Report
3 Affluent Americans Expand Generosity During the Pandemic
4 Indiana University Lilly School of Philanthropy Women’s Philanthropy Institute | Women Give 18: Transmitting Generosity to Daughters and Sons
5 The Urban Institute | National Center for Charitable Statistics 2019
6 The Corporation for National and Community Service
7 Independent Sector
8 National Philanthropic Trust - Donor Advised Fund Report 2021