Gifts of real estate have advantages

| University of Oregon UO Giving

Gifts of real estate have advantages

Real estate of all types can now be transformed into charitable gifts that provide you with tax advantages and life income.

An article from University of Oregon Originally Published in 2020

The UO Foundation has expanded your ability to support the UO through a gift of real estate. For example, in the past they could not accept property gifts with debt. Our new relationship with Realty Gift Fund provides us with more flexibility to accept gifts of real estate. RGF is a 501(c)3 dedicated to converting real estate of all types into charitable gifts.

If you would like to make a gift to the university, and you are also are thinking about selling a highly appreciated piece of real estate, you may be able to take advantage of an estate planning tool called a charitable remainder unitrust.

Pat and Susan Coan, who are featured on page 3 of this issue, chose this option to donate their property to the university through the UO Foundation. In return, they are receiving tax benefits and lifelong income. They are also making a difference for the future of the Lundquist College of Business.

The benefits of this type of trust include:

An income tax charitable deductionAvoidance of immediate capital gains taxIncome for life or a period of years (your choice)The knowledge that your gift will make a difference at the UO for generations to come

Bill and Mary, both 70, fund a charitable remainder trust in September 2020
Payout Rate5.0%
First Year Income*$15,000
Estimated income tax charitable deduction$122,202

* Future payments will be based on the value of the trust on January 1 of each year

If you would like to make a meaningful impact on the UO and have appreciated property that you no longer want to hold, contact us at or 800-289-2354.